• Registration No: S0031961 (Estd. 2018)
  • 9474622762 / 9876543210

Our Demands

বাংলার সমগ্র শিক্ষক ও শিক্ষানুরাগীকুলকে প্রকৃত সমাজবন্ধু হিসেবে গড়ে তোলার আপ্রাণ প্রয়াসে 'শিক্ষানুরাগী ঐক্য মঞ্চ' অঙ্গীকারবদ্ধ। শিক্ষা ও নৈতিকতা সংক্রান্ত সুদীর্ঘ আন্দোলনের গৌরবময় ভূমিকার স্বীকৃতি রূপে সংগঠনের রেজিস্ট্রেশন পেতে গিয়ে কিছু সমস্যা তৈরী হলেও অবশেষে তা অর্জিত হয়। সংগঠনের আদি নাম রেজিস্ট্রেশন পর ছোট হয়ে হল- 'শিক্ষানুরাগী ঐক্য মঞ্চ' বা ইংরেজি তে Shikshanuragi United Association (SUA), Registration No: S0031961 (Estd. 2018).

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The most important role our organisation has played during the last Parliamentary Election by placing the demand for the security for the polling officers as well as for the polling stations. This legitimate demand has been so far igonred for political dividends for both the ruling party as well as for the opposition parties. For the first time our organisation had voiced for security in the election and demand was made almost all training centres and No Security, 'No Election Duty' was the cry of the hour and hence the Chief Election Officer ( CEO) pleged to provide full Security of the polling officers with atleast four CRPF personnel with each team along with the press release for the first time in the history of Election Commission of India. So 'Shikshanuragi United Association' became a reliable trustworthy organisation for the polling officers in West Bengal since then. Also we stood beside the on duty departed polling personnel Late Bhola Harza's bereaved family to ensure the compensation by ECI to his family.

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Accusantium quam, ultricies eget tempor id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper ullamcorper, magna

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